Our Little Bird Visit

Created by Lynne 7 years ago

It was shortly after Ricky had left us. I was outside on the back step, it was early fall, and it was late evening. I little baby Robin, from out of no where came and landed right on the fence in front of me. I leaned down and spoke softly to it, and it hopped off fence and onto my head. I reached up, and instead of it flying away, he climbed onto my fingers. It was quite late in the evening, and with stray cats everywhere, I carried him over to a tree, and put my fingers up so he would climb into the tree to be safe for the night. Within minutes he was back, not on the fence this time but right to my head. I put my fingers up again, and he came onto my hand. Hubby got the camera out and even with the flash going off he was quite content on my hand. I know Ricky was gone in body, but this was definitely his spirit.
